Is your child frightened to wear their bedwetting alarm to bed?

Is your child frightened to wear their bedwetting alarm to bed?

If your child is refusing to wear their bed wetting alarm because they fear the noise or think it might hurt them, then read on…

So, you’ve purchased an enuresis alarm, explained to your child it’s on its way and built up their anticipation and excitement! This is going to be great! You can begin to see an end to their bed wetting, finally!


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Anxiety in Mothers of Bedwetting Children

Anxiety in Mothers of Bedwetting Children

Did you know that mothers of bedwetting children have a higher rate of anxiety and depression than mothers of non-enuretic children?

They also test higher in screening tests for other psychiatric symptoms, both reactive to their child’s bedwetting as well as pre-existing factors (1). Holy moly!

So, if you’re a mum reading this and have just screamed THIS IS ME! then it’s time to air out your dirty laundry!

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10 Tips You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Help Your Child Stop Wetting Their Bed

10 Tips You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Help Your Child Stop Wetting Their Bed

Are you still stripping soaked bed sheets once or even twice in the night? It’s exhausting and you just wish it would stop! Unfortunately as you know, it’s not that easy, and if your child had a magic button that would stop them from wetting the bed, I’m sure they would have pressed that long ago!

Bedwetting is not caused by laziness or bad behaviour and is a far more common problem than you think. According to the Continence Foundation of Australia, roughly 1 in 5 children in Australia wet the bed. 

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My child still wets the bed. At what age should I be concerned?

My child still wets the bed. At what age should I be concerned?

I get asked this often and it’s probably one of the most common questions on any parents mind. So when is the right age to intervene and seek treatment for your child’s bedwetting?

If it makes you feel any better, bed wetting is very common, in particular with school aged children. Many doctors or GP’s will say you should only start worrying about treatment once the child turns seven or eight. Personally, I believe for the sake of the child’s confidence and all things that follow once they start school, e.g. sleepovers, camps etc, treating the bedwetting should begin sooner rather than later. And I know there are a lot of parents out there that would agree! And of course some would disagree…

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The Simple SECRET to Dry Nights for your School Aged Child

The Simple SECRET to Dry Nights for your School Aged Child

Simple Secret... Hang on a sec! Is there even such a thing as a secret to successful dry nights? Doesn’t it just come down to when my child is ready, she’ll stop wetting the bed? Or how about I just buy one of those bedwetting alarm arm bands or mats, tell him to wear it and see how it goes? Maybe take him to the doctor? It can’t be that hard could it?

Now, tell that to a parent whose child has never had a dry night, or has suddenly started wetting their bed. Tell that to a parent who has tried everything from reducing fluid intake, GP visits, expensive mats and alarms and still their child wets their bed.

If you have a school aged child with a bedwetting problem, you know what I mean. It can be a very trying time for both your child and the rest of the family and can take its toll on their self-esteem, confidence and self-worth. It’s not that easy to fix, right?

So, I’ll let you in on a little secret that works.....

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Bedwetting Alarms: Can this be a solution to night time wetting?

Bedwetting Alarms: Can this be a solution to night time wetting?

Bedwetting (also known as nocturnal enuresis), is a problem that affects 1 in 5 children in Australia. Bedwetting is a relatively common disorder and can often be worrisome for both parents and children.

The main concern for parents is quite often the emotional and social effects it may have on their child. For children it can bring up feelings of embarrassment which can also lead to low self-esteem. Let’s not forget to mention other issues such as sleep disruption, excess laundry loads and increased costs such as pullups!

However, as bad as it sounds, there are many ways to stop bedwetting in children, and one of the most effective solutions is a bedwetting alarm.

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How to treat your baby's cold

How to treat your baby's cold

Your baby’s cold can be just as hard on you as it is on your baby!  But you can help ease your baby’s discomfort and keep the infection from worsening by ensuring he/she gets sufficient rest and liquids, which would include breast milk or formula if they’re less than four months old.  Older babies can have a little water, and by six months they can begin drinking juices.

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