You’ll learn everything you need to know about bedwetting to set you and your child up for maximum success towards dry nights!
Here's just a taste of what you’ll learn:
- You’ll know exactly what type of bedwetting your child may have.
- Just how important a change in attitude can be in the successful treatment of your child’s bedwetting.
- Your child will understand how their body makes urine and how all the parts need to work together.
- You’ll have a clear direction of what treatment pathway to take.
- Discover how to master daytime wetting and know what symptoms to look out for.
- You’ll know what age is right for your child to do something about their wetting, and what to do before then.
- You’ll have confidence in providing your child with emotional support and reassurance.
- Know how to detect and address behavioral and psychological issues.
- You’ll see there’s light at the end of the bedwetting tunnel.
- You’ll develop acceptance of what your child is going through in their journey
- You and your child will learn to communicate about their bedwetting and express how each other are feeling.
- You’ll have a good understanding of the different causes of bedwetting.
- You’ll have increased knowledge of how certain food and drinks can contribute to bedwetting, and what you can do to manage this.
- You’ll end up with a ‘checklist’ to ensure success for you and your family towards achieving dry nights.
- You’ll have newfound confidence to move forward and take action for your child!
- Know exactly what your next steps on your child’s road to dry nights should be.
- By the end of the mini-course you’ll have a ready-to-go resource for yourself or to present to your health professional.
- You’ll feel like an enuresis pro!
- And you’ll no longer feel alone!
Consider Bedwetting 101 as your ‘GPS’ or ‘navigating system’ for your child’s bedwetting journey. It will equip you with the knowledge and understanding of the correct treatment path to follow for your child.