Dysfunctional Voiding. A simpler term for this is ‘not emptying the bladder completely’.
This is a common condition amongst children which can contribute to daytime wetting accidents. In fact, according to some studies, as many as 20% of school aged children have at least one symptom of dysfunctional voiding.
So what causes dysfunctional voiding?

When children wee, the bladder squeezes down and the urinary sphincter relaxes. When this voiding cycle doesn’t happen as it should, it can result in the bladder not emptying fully. This can sometimes be due to a neurological problem, but more often than not, it’s due to poor toilet training habits.

Some children go to the toilet, are in too much of a hurry to get back out and play, therefore don’t empty their bladder completely. Some are too caught up in their activities that they forget or delay going to the toilet.
So what will happen if a child continues this habit? Well, it can lead to an accumulation of residual urine. It can result in daytime wetting. It can also increase their risk of urinary tract infections.

If you suspect your child is suffering from dysfunctional voiding, then there are things you can do to help manage and improve it. You can:
Revisit their toileting habits by making sure they visit the toilet every 2 to 3 hours during the day.
Keep track of their fluid intake and make sure they’re drinking enough water.
Encourage your child to relax on the toilet and take their time!
Pelvic Floor Therapy can even help with teaching your child when the right time to relax or contract their pelvic muscles.
Also, help is available. Talk with your doctor about any symptoms your child may have. The type of treatment your doctor will recommend will depend on what’s causing your child’s dysfunctional voiding.