Hypnosis For Pregnancy & Birth CD (Gabrielle Targett)

$25.00 AUD

Hypnosis for Pregnancy & Birth

by the best-selling Author of A Labour of Love


This programme is designed to teach safe and effective hypnosis techniques that can be practised during pregnancy in preparation for your labour and birth.

Through learning how to relax and remain calm, you will gain confidence in trusting and believing in your body and the job it is designed to do!


CD Contents:

Script 1. Pregnancy Relaxation – Going Within – is a 15 minute relaxation that you can listen to every day to assist you to go into deep state of calm, peaceful awareness and relaxation, whilst practising breathing techniques in preparation for your labour.

Script 2. Empowering Yourself for the Birth Ahead – ‘Creating a Labour of Love’ Is designed to take you on a journey of ‘imagineering’: looking ahead and visualising the birth of your baby. This script can be listened to once or twice a week.


How can this Programme assist?

This programme has assisted many women to feel:

  • Confident and positive about the birth of their baby
  • Empowered and strong - mentally, emotionally and physically
  • Calm and at peace during pregnancy, labour and birth
  • Trust in her body to do the job it is designed to do, 'give birth'
  • They have the ability to surrender to the natural sensations of labour
  • A strong connection and bond with their baby in the womb and at birth.

Through regularly listening to this CD, women can become skilled in relaxation and breathing techniques enabling them to reduce the fear associated with childbirth, the intensity of labour sensations, and need for medical assistance.

Through learning to relax and remain calm, women can gain confidence in trusting and believing in their body and the job it is designed to do.


 About the Author

I have been extremely blessed to have met Gabrielle recently whilst in Northern Territory and she truly is a remarkable woman and friend. I got to know Gabrielle quite well during our short trip and truly believe our paths met for a reason!

For more information on Gabrielle and how she came about to write 'A Labour of Love' and the services she provides, please click here.